Jun 10, 2016

How to Hide A Drive Using Command Prompt in Windows 10/8/7

Greetings from Tutorial Nutshell. Ever wanted to conceal a drive; maybe because you have private stuff that you wouldn’t want anyone to find, or to know it exists in some drive in your computer? Well, this tutorial is for you. We will use Command Prompt in Windows to hide/ unhide a drive. Just follow these steps:  Note: we will be using attached cmd screenshot for examples. Use relevant volume numbers and drive letters for your computer.

Diskpart command line utility
1. Open your command prompt (start – type cmd in the search box, and hit Enter
2. Type diskpart and hit enter. (Select yes if UAC interface pops up; but it would be great if you can run cmd in elevated mode (run it as administrator) Then the diskpart command line utility will appear. Note: Diskpart  is used to manage and maintain partition drives.
3. Now issue the list volume command. This will display all the drives in your computer
4. Then issue the select volume 3 command. (Note: 3 is the volume number of the drive to be hidden. I used 3 in order to select E: drive in my computer as shown in the screenshot of my command prompt on the above. You can choose any other drive you want!)
5. To hide drive 3, issue the command remove letter E:

Type exit to quit diskpart. Finally go to my computer and your just hidden drive will be invisible. If all steps executed successfully but no results showing at my computer,   To make that hidden drive visible again follow the same steps (Step 1 through 4) but instead of the remove letter E: command in step 5, issue the assign letter E: command. Note that when the drive letter is hidden (removed), it will not show under the Ltr column of the corresponding Volume ### column in the cmd.

That’s it…Enjoy!!!

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Jun 8, 2016

How to Eliminate Shortcut Virus from your Pendrive / Flashdrive / Portabledrive and reclaim your hidden files

Hello guys… So picture this: You have a Pendrive / Flashdrive / Portabledrive with important files in it. You get to your friend’s house to show them the cool stuff you got. After inserting it in your friends’ PC...it shows all your files as shortcuts. You then scan the pendrive with the updated Antivirus software but then it doesn’t show/bring back your files. Well that’s a ‘horror movie’ but I’m NOT a movie script writer, hahaha! So this tutorial will show you the simplest, most effective way of addressing such a ‘horror’.

Just copy and paste the following code to notepad and save it as "ShortcutRemover.bat" (…you can choose any other name you want, but remember to save it in the .bat format) and save it to the infected stick and run it. Follow instructions until all the processes are complete. That’s it. Enjoy…

Echo off
echo Created by Tutorial Nutshell - www.tutorialnutshell.blogspot.com
Echo Eliminate Shortcut Virus from your Pendrive / Flashdrive / Portabledrive 
Echo and reclaim your hidden files
echo please wait for all process to complete…
echo 1 Minute To Complete, please Wait!
echo Repair Folder
attrib -s -h %1*.* /s /d
echo Delete drivesgideinfo Folder
rmdir /s /q drivesguideinfo
rmdir /s /q h3ojKiH9lvFefFO0mG6HlXplgLV3LYYuVHdaRr3dtLhEN80DniEPQXQY2sziakx2axTnS4SA044lSPkbMnv9Qm
echo Delete Shortcut Folder
del /a /s %scut%\*.lnk
echo Process Complete
echo For more tutorials like this: www.tutorialnutshell.blogspot.com

PS: Delete the files created by the virus especially the autorun.inf file. That all but remember do not run the 'ShortcutRemover.bat' in your system or desktop.

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